
Showing posts from November, 2021

5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

COVID-19 , the number one public enemy, has prompted an unprecedented social experiment for businesses: working from home. Working from home, or telecommuting has long been a perk for a select group of professionals, such as working mothers, students, and senior executives. While the concept of remote working is not new, it is not widely used in Asia. Unfortunately, many workers have succumbed to presenteeism and its negative effects on mental and physical health. However, as many people have discovered, remote working has numerous advantages, including reduced commute time, increased energy, and increased productivity. If you're concerned about your home productivity and can't seem to get away from all the distractions, here are five suggestions. ways to be productive while working from home 1. Get up when you normally would. Even if you don't have to travel an hour to get to work, you should still get up as you typically would. Changing your waking hour every day can upse

How to Practise Social Distancing

 Everyone is talking about social alienation right now, and it's the only thing they're talking about. Governments are implementing social distance policies, celebrities are promoting it, and the hashtag #StayHome is booming on Instagram and Twitter. What exactly is social distancing, though? Distancing yourself from others, also known as social or physical distancing, is an infection prevention technique that requires you to maintain a safe distance of at least one meter. Physical touch and little liquid droplets from individuals that may carry a virus could infect you, so keep a safe distance.This will assist to slow down and flatten the curve of community transmission, allowing everyone in need to get dedicated treatment in healthcare institutions. What can you do at work and at home to help with social distancing? In the workplace, there is a lot of social separation. To stimulate workplace engagement and improve inter-team communication, numerous firms have opted for open