Take Care of Your Mental Health During COVID-19
With the rising number of COVID-19 cases, everyone – from kids to CEOs – is being forced to stay at home in order to practice social distance successfully. Our everyday schedules have shifted. We no longer get together with coworkers and friends to share a meal and a joke as we used to. Due to a lack of social interactions, many of us find ourselves feeling and being alone. We have also changed the way we absorb information. Reading unpleasant news about the pandemic has left many people feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, grief, and fear of the unknown. Ways to Keep Your Mental Health in Good Shape Establish and stick to a regimen When you work from home, your normal routine is disrupted. If you don’t have children, you’re more likely to wake up later, which means you’ll go to bed later than usual the night before. You’re reading the news about the rising number of cases around the world and the paucity of healthcare equipment instead of catching up on emails and texts...